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The Dos and Don'ts of Recovering From Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Mar 22, 2023

Are you preparing to have your wisdom teeth extracted soon? Read here for the most important dos and don'ts of recovering from wisdom tooth extractions.

About 10 million wisdom teeth are removed each year. 

This is because wisdom teeth are not necessary and can actually cause issues for our oral health if we are not careful.

If you think you need to get your wisdom teeth out, you need to talk to a dentist. They can help walk you through if wisdom teeth removal is right for you. 

And if it is, you'll want to know the do's and don'ts of getting your wisdom teeth out! Keep reading about everything you need to know about getting your wisdom tooth extractions.

The Do's of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

When you are going in to get your wisdom teeth out, you probably want to know what to do beforehand. 

What are you supposed to eat the day of - if anything? What should you be preparing for after the extractions?

Here's what to do! 


One of the most important things that you can do after you get your wisdom teeth out is to rest. Your body is trying to heal, so the more you rest, the faster you will get better.

Use Ice

After you get your wisdom teeth out, you should plan to ice the first 24-48 hours after the extraction. This will reduce the swelling. 

To properly ice, use the ice pack for 15 minutes on and then 15 minutes off. Repeat this for an hour. Do this a few times per day for optimal results.

Keep It Clean

The area of the extraction is more susceptible to infection than the rest of your mouth. To avoid this, you need to keep it clean after the extraction. You should use a saltwater solution multiple times per day.

Gargle with the saltwater solution after every meal and before bed. You can also do this when you feel like you need to, as it isn't going to hurt you to do it more than a few times. 

Bite On Cotton Gauze

Biting on the cotton gauze near the area of the extraction will prevent the area from bleeding. The longer you use it, the less it will bleed and eventually stop as well.

Eat on the Opposite Side

Depending on where your tooth is extracted from, you're going to want to eat on the opposite side. This will help keep the area clean and also reduce pain. 

Not only that, but eating on the other side will also allow the wound to heal quicker than if you constantly eat and irritate it on that side.

Do Jaw Exercises

Jaw exercises will help your mouth stay more flexible after the extraction. You should open and close your mouth for several exercises at a time, a few times per day.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

It is extremely important to continue to drink fluids after your extraction. However, you need to keep in mind that you should not drink anything with a straw!

The best fluid to drink after the extraction is water. 

Brush Gently

You do not want to irritate the extraction site any more than it already is. This means you need to brush your teeth very gently. Additionally, you can avoid brushing altogether for the first day after the extraction.

The Don'ts of Wisdom Tooth Extraction 

Now that you know what you should be doing after you get your wisdom teeth out, you should also know what to avoid!

This can make your recovery go much, much better.

Avoid Straws

As mentioned before, you should avoid straws after a wisdom tooth extraction. This also means you need to avoid sucking, spitting, or smoking as your mouth moves in the same way.

Avoiding these activities will allow the blood clot to form over the extraction site. 

If the blood clot becomes dislodged at any time, it will lead to more bleeding and more pain. You also could potentially develop a dry socket, which is a painful infection that you do not want to deal with.

Stay Away From Solid Food

After the extraction, you shouldn't be consuming any solid food. This should wait until ideally 6 hours after surgery, but the longer you wait, the better.

You should also avoid hard foods such as popcorn and chips for about a week after the extraction. 

The golden rule is to stick with softer foods such as mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, pasta, etc., instead of other types of food.

You should also stay away from spicy or hot foods as well. 

Don't Ice After 48 Hours

Icing is important for the first 48 hours, but after, you should switch to placing heat on the area. This will soothe pain and promote healing.

Don't Take Aspirin

Although you may be in pain after the extraction, you don't want to take any Aspirin. 

This is a blood thinner and will promote bleeding, which is the opposite thing that you want to happen. 

Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Although getting wisdom tooth extractions is never fun, knowing what to do and what not to do is extremely helpful in the process.

Are you thinking about having a tooth extraction soon? You can contact us - a dentist in Largo, FL - to help you through the process.

You can sign up as a new patient here. We have years of experience with extractions. We will make sure you are as comfortable as possible to reduce your worries and anxieties about the procedure. 

And don't forget to smile through it all!

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