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What Is General Dentistry? Everything You Need to Know

Bardmoor Family Dental • Nov 01, 2022

30% of Americans haven't seen a dentist for several years. There are several reasons for this, but even if their teeth seem healthy, these people are putting their oral health at risk.

Are you one of them?

Many people won't visit a dentist unless they're experiencing pain. The point of general dentistry, however, is to prevent dental problems (and fix minor ones before they turn major). 

If you don't see your general dentist often, how will you know if there's an underlying issue? 

We're here to talk all about general dentistry, so you're ready when it's time for your next appointment. Read on to learn more. 

What Is the Purpose of General Dentistry?

The purpose of general dentistry is to keep a patient's teeth healthy and strong. While some general dentistry procedures will improve the appearance of a patient's smile, they're not solely focused on appearance.

For example, getting a professional teeth cleaning counts as general dentistry, and you may walk away from your cleaning with slightly whiter and smoother teeth. It's not the same as getting your teeth whitened, however, which serves no health purpose and is purely aesthetic.

General dentistry is preventative and restorative. A general dentist wants to help a patient avoid future harm, and they do this via cleanings and check-ups.

They also perform minor restoration like extractions, fillings, and root canals because those things are necessary for the health of the patient.

How Often Should You Normally See a General Dentist? 

Most adults should see their local dentist twice per year or every six months. People with pre-existing dental problems or who are currently undergoing orthodontic treatment may need to receive dental care more often.

Talk to your dentist about the right schedule for you. 

When you see your dentist twice per year, you can prevent future dental health issues like cavities, gum disease, and more.

What Goes Under the "General Dentistry" Umbrella?

So what exactly qualifies as general dentistry anyway? This will vary depending on where you go. Here's what we consider general dentistry at Bardmoor Family Dental

Exams and Cleaning

Routine exams and professional cleaning sessions are perhaps the most important general dentistry procedures that we perform at Bardmoor family dental.

These appointments might seem simple, but they're integral to your overall dental health. Even if you think your teeth are in tip-top condition, it's helpful to visit your dentist for a quick check-up anyway to make sure they stay that way (and that you're not missing anything). 


People who grind their teeth at night are on their way to serious dental damage! That's why dentists recommend nightguards.

Nightguards protect a patient's teeth from bruxism all night long. Modern nightguards are comfortable enough to sleep in without gagging when they're fitted by a professional dentist.

Emergency Dentistry

Emergency dentistry is a broad term, but in short, it refers to any type of dental procedure that can't wait. The general dentists at the practice may not have the resources to help the patient, but they can assess the problem and refer the patient to the right dental professionals.

Often people see an emergency dentist when they break or crack a tooth. This is an emergency situation, even if it's not causing pain! Minor cracks or breaks can turn into major problems when left unchecked.

In some rare cases, the dentist can repair the tooth right away.

Sudden pain can also be an emergency. It could indicate a serious infection. Even if the underlying cause isn't too serious, that pain can make it difficult for a patient to speak, eat, and work, which makes the situation an emergency. 


Unfortunately, dental extractions are sometimes necessary. If a problematic tooth can't be saved, the best thing to do for the surrounding teeth and the patient's overall oral health is to remove it.

A general dentist can assess the problem and determine if an extraction is necessary. If it is, they can do it right there in the office. 

Certain extractions are surgical. If this is the case, the dentist may help the patient make a separate extraction appointment so they can receive care as soon as possible.

Root Canals

Root canals and fillings are solutions for rotting and decayed teeth. If you go to the dentist with a cavity, this is likely what they'll do for you as long as the tooth is salvageable.

A root canal will clear out the decay and get rid of any associated pain. 

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and bridges can be cosmetic, but they're also restorative, making them part of our general dentistry practice.

Crowns and bridges can repair chipped, cracked, broken, and even missing teeth in some cases. They protect the patient's teeth and improve their appearance. 


In most practices, dentures don't count as general dentistry, but we understand that for many people who have experienced tooth loss, they're a necessary part of dental care!

We can create custom partial or full dentures to restore our patient's teeth.

It's Time to Visit a General Dentist in Largo, FL

When was the last time you saw a general dentist? If it's been more than six months, it's time for you to make a general dentistry appointment! The best way to keep your teeth healthy is to visit a general dentist regularly.

At Broadmoor Family Dental, our team of dental professionals is here to provide all of our patients with healthy and beautiful smiles. Contact us to set up an appointment with your local dentist in Largo, FL today.

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